Baby Wearing Meets 2021

COVID-19 UPDATE: in-person meets and library loans are currently restricted to 3 locations; NOR (Woodvale), SOR (Riverton), and South-West (Between Bunbury and Margaret River).

Image Description: A variety of carriers are neatly hanging next to each other on a fence. There is a small round table in front of the fence, in the middle foreground of the image; on the table sits a white-appearing demo-doll in a white outfit and…

Image Description: A variety of carriers are neatly hanging next to each other on a fence. There is a small round table in front of the fence, in the middle foreground of the image; on the table sits a white-appearing demo-doll in a white outfit and next to the doll is a folder/file with the BWWA logo on it.

Baby wearing meets are a very friendly and informal gathering of caregivers, their children and their families and/or friends. People come to discuss all things baby wearing, try on and get information about different carriers. Some people come to get their own carriers fitted and/or to borrow a carrier from the library for use at home between meets. We try to make all meets inviting for everyone; meets are family friendly and all-abilities friendly.  

Each baby wearing meet is ‘run’ by meet leaders, but each meet will be different depending on the needs of those who attend that day. Whilst there is a set start and end time, people can arrive and leave whenever they like within that time; there is no formal schedule or timetable. There is a carrier library available at each meet which contains a selection of different carriers. During the meet, the carriers in the library are used for demonstrations and for people to try on. At the end of the meet, members are able to borrow these carriers to use at home until the next scheduled meet. 

BWWA is in the process of implementing an electronic system to manage the lending service. This is a learning curve for all committee members and meet leaders so please allow extra time if you intend to loan a carrier.

COVID UPDATE: Meets are held in four locations with each meet hosting three carrier libraries; one library is to be used for demonstrations, a second library to be used as the lending library and a third library to be used for quarantine purposes after returns and demos. Due to the use of multiple libraries at a single meet, we ask that you familiarise yourself with the carriers that are available in our libraries by referring to the Announcements section in the Chatter Group. There are videos provided to demonstrate the carriers so that you may have an idea of what carrier you might like to borrow; this is a measure to reduce the number of hands “contaminating” the carriers with regards to Covid contagions.

Meets will be held on the following days:
- First Tuesday of the month at Woodvale Library, 09:30 - 11:30 (subject to change);
- Second and Fourth Mondays of the month at Riverton Library, 09:30 - 11:30;
- As available, in South-West locations.
Please refer to the Events page,

A sign in sheet is available at the entrance to each meet. Please sanitise your hands and fill in your name and the carrier you would like to borrow. Due to Covid restrictions the carriers cannot be passed around and will be quarantined for 14 days after use.

Please abide by social distancing guidelines during meets. As meets are hosted at public Libraries, please make use of their SafeWA QR Code or manual register.

Image Description: A group of people is standing in a brightly lit room. Each person is in various positions and stages of wrapping an infant or demo-doll in Front Wrap Cross Carry (FWCC) using multi-coloured woven wraps. The person that is standing…

Image Description: A group of people is standing in a brightly lit room. Each person is in various positions and stages of wrapping an infant or demo-doll in Front Wrap Cross Carry (FWCC) using multi-coloured woven wraps. The person that is standing in the middle foreground of the image has their back to the camera.

Where do you hold baby wearing meets?

We hold baby wearing meets at various locations across the Perth metro area as well as some regional meets and they run throughout the year. We try to hold meets in venues which are family-friendly, all-access and which provide facilities, such as toilets. These venues include local parks, libraries and family centres.

Meets will be held on the following days:
- First Tuesday of the month at Woodvale Library, 09:30 - 11:30 (subject to change);
- Second and Fourth Mondays of the month at Riverton Library, 09:30 - 11:30;
- As available, in South-West locations.
Please refer to the Events page, here.

We are always looking for new free venues so please contact BWWA if you have a suggestion.


Is it free to attend a baby wearing meet?

Yes. It is free to attend a meet. You are welcome to come along and meet new people, get advice, ask questions, try on different carriers, and/or get your carrier fitted for free. If you want to borrow a carrier however, you must be a member. Memberships cost $30 annually, and can be purchased online, here


Do I have to be a member to come to a baby wearing meet?

No. You do not have to be a member to come along to a meet. All are welcome! There is no obligation to become a member.


Do I have to be a member to borrow a carrier?

Yes. You must be a member to borrow a carrier from our BWWA Carrier Library. Proof of membership is required at the time of loan. Memberships cost $30 annually, and can be purchased online, here.


What is in a Carrier Library?

A carrier library contains a wide selection of baby carriers including different types and brands of wraps, ring slings, meh dais and soft structured carriers, as well as newborn and toddler carriers, and carrier accessories, which are available for loan at each baby wearing meet. Other specialty carriers, such as water carriers and hiking carriers, are available on request. There is a carrier library at each baby wearing meet across the state, with each library containing a slightly different selection. 

BWWA is not affiliated with, nor do we endorse any particular brand of baby carrier. However, we have carefully chosen the carriers and brands that are included in the libraries in order to provide a wide selection of the safest carriers available. All carriers in each library are regularly inspected to ensure each carrier is maintained in an excellent and safe condition.

There is a list of carriers available in BWWA carrier libraries which can be found in the Chatter Group. There are also videos that demonstrate each carrier that can be found in the carrier libraries.


How does the Carrier Library work?

COVID UPDATE: Library carriers can only be tried on and fitted to the person borrowing them. Returns will be quarantined for 14 days. 

At the end of a meet, members are able to borrow one carrier each to use at home until the next scheduled meet (usually 2-4 weeks). The borrowed carriers are to be returned at the beginning of the next meet. Each member takes responsibility for the carrier that they borrow. 

Carriers must be returned to the same carrier library from which they were borrowed. Each carrier is inspected when returned to ensure there is no damage and the carrier remains in excellent and safe condition. 

How long can I borrow a carrier for?

This varies depending on the local meet that you attend. Members are able to borrow one carrier each at the end of a baby wearing meet to use at home until the next scheduled meet (usually 2-4 weeks).


Can I return my carrier to a different meet?

No. Carriers must be returned to the same carrier library from which they were borrowed. However, we understand that with children and our busy lives this is not always possible. If you are unable to return the carrier at the next meet, please contact BWWA to arrange an alternative option, such as local drop off or postage to a BWWA meet leader. Carriers must be returned before the start of the next scheduled meet.


What if I can’t return the carrier I borrowed to the next meet?

It is a condition of borrowing that members return borrowed carriers at the beginning of the next meet. Carriers must be returned to the same carrier library from which they were borrowed. However, we understand that with children and our busy lives, this is not always possible. If you are unable to return the carrier at the next meet, please contact BWWA to arrange an alternative option, such as local drop off or postage to a BWWA meet leader. Carriers must be returned before the start of the next scheduled meet. 


Can I request a specific carrier to borrow?

COVID UPDATE: Due to restrictions we are asking people to sign in on arrival and to indicate which carrier they would like to borrow.

Yes and No. Please let us know what you are wanting to try and we will try to make that happen. As a member you are able to borrow different types of carriers from our carrier libraries, however, there are limited carriers available in each library. Availability of specific carriers will change and we do not pre-assign carriers before a meet. The carrier library at a meet may not contain a specific brand requested but it will likely contain a carrier in the same style which you could borrow. 

If you are unable to borrow from a meet, or you have a request for a specific carrier that is not in the library, talk with your meet leader at a meet or get in touch with BWWA to find a solution. BWWA does hold some extra carriers, and some specialty carriers, which can be made available for loan on request. BWWA will endeavour to meet all requests, if possible. 

BWWA is always keen to hear suggestions from our members about the carriers they would like to borrow and are dedicated to expanding our libraries to reflect this.


Can I take the loaned carrier on holidays?

BWWA is insured to lend carriers to members provided the carriers remain within the state. If you are holidaying within WA and can return the carrier to the same carrier library at the next scheduled meet, then you may use the carrier while on holidays. However, you cannot take the carrier outside of WA. 

We look forward to seeing you at your nearest meet.
Managing Committee and Community Meet Leadership Group,
Baby Wearers Western Australia Incorporated.

To all our wonderful Babywearing Community...

As many of you may know, BWWA held our AGM on Saturday afternoon. We shared all the progress we have made over 2019/2020, including the wild ride through COVID closures, record numbers of people at meets and new optimal carriers to try… But we also shared how burned out many of our committee have become trying to balance the needs of the organisation alongside parenthood, work, study and life! Our legal responsibilities/liabilities have also become increasingly complex as our organisation has evolved. This has meant that most of our previous committee are planning to move on from the day-to-day management of BWWA.

As such, we do not have a sufficient number of volunteers to replace our retiring members and form an Executive Committee. It is with a heavy heart that we have to tell you that this means BWWA will have to cease to function as of the end of this year. As of this last weekend we ceased accepting memberships. We will all hold final meets in the coming weeks, with all carriers to be returned in late November or early December as we usually would for end of year stocktake. We have elected a small committee purely to complete the tasks required to dissolve our organisation.

We figured we may as well put out a final call to you, our Babywearing community, in case any of you feel inspired to come on board before we begin that process. We won't lie and suggest its the easiest job ever... but you certainly wouldn't be alone. The organisation is more streamlined and automated than it has ever been. We have a great team of community/meet leaders and many years of Babywearing experience ready to share. Its administration we need.

If you would like more information please PM our Facebook page or email us at

If we have no further interest in attracting an Executive Committee, then we will have to continue to move towards dissolution. We will update you, our members, as it becomes clear how this will play out.

Come and Join Us!

It’s that time of year again - time for our Annual General Meeting (AGM). All members are invited to attend the AGM and are required to RSVP their attendance via our RSVP Page.

Many of you will have noticed the enormous amount of time our Volunteers put into keeping our organisation running with 2020 giving us a few extra challenges to navigate. BabyWearers WA will have an exciting year ahead as we continue to navigate this new world we are living in.

Being a part of BWWA isn’t just about keeping BWWA running. The BWWA Committee (and also it’s members) were truly a part of my village as I adapted to new motherhood. I have been able to spend my time with like-minded parents in a judgement free environment - there are always a free set of ears, no matter what is going on. And at the same time I have been able to contribute to providing that support for others.

We are looking for people to join our team for the next year. Volunteering doesn’t have to be a huge time investment and you don’t need to be a baby wearing “expert”. I have been coordinating the website for the last year or so and spend 1-2 hours per week (often less) keeping things updated. It has allowed me to spend a couple of hours a week with the old me, which has been a nice reprieve from life with a toddler.

If you think that joining the Committee could be for you, head over to our Nomination Page.

This year we are having a Video Conference for our AGM. It will be conducted via Zoom. We would love to see you all on Saturday the 31st October 2020. Members please check you email for full login details.

Website Coordinator

In Support of the Origins of Babywearing

Baby Wearers Western Australia Incorporated (BWWA Inc.) is a not for profit organisation dedicated to education, promotion and facilitation of baby wearing in the wider community. BWWA Inc. supports multiple chapters across Western Australia that meet regularly to educate parents on safe baby wearing and facilitate their baby wearing journey.

Baby Wearers Western Australia Incorporated respects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet. We acknowledge their Elders past, present and emerging.

In 2016 the BWWA Inc. committee published a document called Diversity and Inclusivity Statement for BWWA. This was uploaded within the documents of the Baby Wearers WA Inc. Chatter Group ( BWWA ) and was revised by the managing committee in June 2019 and June 2020. This document is an important part of the organisation's acknowledgement of the need for a cohesive, inclusive approach to babywearing education and promotion, and has now been uploaded to our website.

Babywearing is not new. It was not "designed" by the middle class white women that largely represent this organisation. It is derived from hundreds of years of cultural learning, and originated in black, indigenous and people of colour (BIPOC) communities. It is a valuable parenting tool that is now gaining in popularity amongst western society members, with thanks to the deep seeded cultural traditions passed through generations of BIPOC communities and shared amongst those western society populations of which we belong.

2020 has provided many obstacles and difficulties, but with these come opportunities for education and improvement. It is true that with our sudden inability to provide hands-on promotion and facilitation of babywearing we have also neglected our responsibility to continue to educate our community. As an organisation we pledge to improve our own personal and organisational knowledge and understanding of all matters pertaining to the BIPOC community and promote historical, cultural babywearing.

In response to the worldwide online movement Baby Wearers Western Australia Incorporated would like to apologise to everyone that has been affected by our silence, and we take this opportunity to thank you for reaching out, for questioning us, and for keeping us accountable.

We hear you, we see you, we value you.


If you would like to contact us about how we can better meet the needs of the BIPOC Community please contact us at

How Do I Wash BWWA Carriers?

Ever wondered what to do if your BWWA carrier becomes soiled? We have put together some cleaning instructions in the form of a Lending Library Laundry Policy. These guidelines will enable us to keep our carriers in the best possible condition for your use. Please don’t hesistate to contact us at if you have any questions.

In depth instructions are available here


BWWA Infection Control Statement

The managing committee for Baby Wearers Western Australia Incorporated (BWWA) would like to take this opportunity to address our valued community regarding the current Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic. BWWA is committed to actively monitoring the evolution of COVID-19 and responding to guidelines provided by the Australian Department of Health and World Health Organisation.

Infection control is the prevention of transmitting microorganisms between hosts, specifically person to person. Infection control at BWWA meets and through the loaning of baby carriers is, and always will be of utmost importance to BWWA practice.

Please note these guidelines are not specific to the current outbreak, rather they are based on best practice for good community health…

The full BWWA Infection Control Statement can be found here.

Recommendations regarding management of the current COVID-19 outbreak are quickly evolving. For up to date information regarding management and social distancing recommendations, please see the following resources:

Managing Committee
Baby Wearers Western Australia Incorporated 

Come and Join Us!

It’s that time of year again - time for our Annual General Meeting (AGM). All members are invited to attend the AGM and a required to RSVP their attendance via our RSVP Page.

Many of you will have noticed the enormous amount of time our Volunteers put into keeping our organisation running. I don’t think any of us come close to matching the time, dedication or passion our Chairperson Natalie or Vice-Chairperson Alyce bring to the table. As awesome as they both are, there so much room for members with a passion for babywearing to contribute to our awesome organisation.

It isn’t just about keeping BWWA running. The BWWA Committee (and also it’s members) have truly been my village in the first year of my son’s life. I have been able to spend my time with like-minded parents in a judgement free environment - there are always a free set of ears, no matter what is going on. And at the same time I have been able to contribute to providing that support for others.

Volunteering doesn’t have to be a huge time investment and you don’t need to be a baby wearing “expert”. I have been coordinating the website for the last few months and spend 1-2 hours per week (sometimes less) keeping things updated. It has allowed me to spend a couple of hours a week with the old me, which was a really nice reprieve from life with an infant.

If you think that joining the Committee could be for you, head over to our Nomination Page.

We would love to see you all on the 27th October 2019. Details can be found on the Meet Calendar event.

See you soon!

Website Coordinator

Why borrow a carrier?

Being able to try on and use a selection of carriers is a great way to find out what style of carrier works for your and your wearees needs. The carriers available in the large baby stores are a small representation of what is available on the carrier market. These carriers are often sold as one size fits most but in reality this is generally not the case. Save money, waste and time wearing uncomfortable carriers and try before you buy!

BWWA Carrier Libraries have a selection of varying carrier styles available for loan. Newborn options right through to pre-schooler carriers are available. Carriers may be loaned at a Meet until the next scheduled date of that Meet. Meet Leaders will demonstrate and assist in fitting carriers to you, Demonstration dolls are available to use before trying any carrier with your own child.This ensures that you can leave the Meet confidently using the carrier.

What is Baby Wearing?

What is Baby Wearing?

Baby wearing is the act of carrying your baby in a sling or carrier.

It can be any type of sling or carrier, from a simple piece of cloth to a structured carrier. The important thing is that your baby is held close to you.

Baby wearing is a traditional parenting tool that has been used throughout the world for hundreds of years. It has increased in popularity in recent years within western society. Cultural and generational learning has not been passed down to current generations so new parents are now learning this ancient art from scratch. Parents and carers are turning to well meaning friends and family, postnatal midwives and doulas, parenting groups and the internet in order to learn how to wear their baby.

Baby Wearers Western Australia Inc. is here to help!

There is a lot of misinformation available and virtually no minimum safety standards regarding baby wearing at the moment. Scary stuff, right!? Thousands of YouTube videos depict unsafe baby wearing practices, with sub-optimal carriers and carrying styles taught to the unsuspecting, sleep deprived carers searching for an answer to help their little person to sleep, calm, heal and grow.

We don’t know what we don’t know.

This is where Baby Wearers Western Australia Inc. comes in!

Our mission is to inclusively educate, facilitate and promote baby wearing in the Western Australian community.

What are the benefits?

  • Baby wearing can strengthen the bond between you and your new baby through physical contact and closeness.

  • It is easier to meet your babies needs, they are close to you, you can respond to their early cues. 

  • They are calmer because their primal needs are met.

  • It allows you to have your hands free to continue with household tasks, tend to older children or run errands.

  • A baby who is carried is closer to other people, able to interact face to face while feeling safe.

  • Baby wearing can assist with breastfeeding and management of postnatal anxiety and depression. 

  • It is particularly useful in caring for babies and children with special needs.

  • Baby wearing is believed to reduce crying in babies during the first 3 months of life, or “the fourth trimester”.

How do I wear my baby?

This is a broad question with a vast range of answers. Every person is different, so what works for one person may not work for another. Why not join us at a baby wearing meet and try out a few options in real life. Meets are free to attend and suitable for the whole family. If you would like to borrow something from the lending library at the baby wearing meet a 12 month membership is only $30 and is available here.